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Students need to take care of their oral health. Making the choice now to start looking after your dental health, instead of postponing it, means that you’ll avoid painful and expensive procedures in the future. Ensuring you go for regular check-ups is crucial to staying in great oral health. By constantly managing and reviewing your dental health, you can keep track of your progress, whether you need a minor treatment like a filling or something more complex such as removal of wisdom teeth.


At Stellenbosch Dental Studio our mission is to provide our students with excellent dental care and service. 


We know that student life means carefully watching your spending habits and living under a certain budget at all times. As a student, you’re entitled to a whole 10% off general dentistry at Stellenbosch Dental Studio! 


Our prices are 100% transparent, you will know exactly how much you’re going to pay each time you visit.


All you need to do is bring your student ID as proof that you’re studying in the local university or college. Show this to our receptionist when you arrive at Stellenbosch Dental Studio and we will apply the student discount to your fee when it comes to payment time. 


If prefered we will share a quote with your guardian or parents before commencement of any dental work. Arrangements for settlement of the account will be made directly with them.


Contact Stellenbosch Dental Studio to get more information about the student discount. Our friendly team will be happy to chat all about it.


6 Van Riebeeck Street,

Stellenbosch, 7600


Tel: 021 887 6787

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm 

​​Saturday: Closed ​

Sunday: Closed


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